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Starry Sky

The Path of Love

Home: Welcome

Anna Kalyani

God came to my house and asked for charity.

And I fell on my knees and cried,  

‘Beloved, what may I give?’


He said.


St Francis of Assisi 



Hridaya yoga teacher, Yoga Therapist & Certified Shiatsu Practitioner.

Poetess, Lover of God, Tantra and Non Dual teachings. 

At 24 I had an experience which revealed the trauma in my Heart. Echoes of loss, grief, separation and despair from childhood. The path of love continues to open up a world of interesting and inspiring avenues which fill my daily life, I am very grateful for this trauma, as the death of my Mother at a young age has shaped my life, in which I am held everyday closer in the embrace of the Beloved. Through Shiatsu, I share my passion for Love and for the art of healing.  


True healing comes from within ourselves, from a deep honest dialogue with the self. This healing requires opening the walls around the heart and engaging with a different perspective. A perspective which allows the ego to drop the ‘I’ in the wound and begin to see how we can grow, evolve, learn, share and give. Life is impermanent and nothing will last forever, this is dharma (law). If we move beyond our suffering we realise how much we can help others to move beyond theirs. When we live in the present without trauma we truly live with aliveness. I am passionate in empowering others to re-awaken their natural joy and aliveness, here and now. 



I am influenced by the Sivinanda Vedanta School (2018), where I am a qualified teacher, as well as Hridaya Yoga, where I completed the HTTC in 2021. Yoga Therapy is infused in all the classes, as well as available for one on one specific needs, certified 500 Hour Yoga Therapist (2014).  


I offer a variety of yoga classes to individuals or groups, dynamic energetic classes, incorporating Chinese meridian stretching , yoga therapy, restoration, Hridaya Yoga as well as Vipassana Yoga.



Please contact me for Yoga online teaching, Retreats, Yoga teacher training Courses (200 and 500) or future collaboration. 



In this site are articles, pictures and poems in the hope of infusing LOVE and courage in your days.

God Bless You. 

Home: About

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At 24 I had an experience which revealed the wound my mother’s death had marked (12 years earlier). At this time I was made aware of the...

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