is it all lovers that suffer
from the love of one another
do thé birds also forget their words
amidst the wrath of relational hurts
flapping their wings crying
upset and sick of trying
to please and please and please
before all that’s left is wobbly knees
do the elephants succumb to mad rage
when their actions ignite the female engage
do they trample and hit their heads
under the starry sky of marriage beds
does even the heavenly hawk
feel tied by obligated lovers talk
hunting breakfast with a busy mind
longing for a lover who doesn’t at all mind
the flawed nature of his Hawk-kind
can any of these lovers hide
in the nights longing for a youth that died
can any of these lovers hide
from the dark side
of an exhausted communion
which tried but failed a holy union
can we truly love another
without the tendency to smother
like a relentless mother
when love has crumbled to the floor
got her coat and ran wild out the door
can love truly love in action
without this outward distraction
can love truly be wild and free
like a fish in the wide open sea