Dear younger self,
I know life seems overwhelming, enormous, confusing and often-times it sure feels like you are losing.
I know there is always someone telling you what you should do or how you should be, but don’t allow them to screw this screw within your innocent heart.
That shouting voice is not going to be there for much longer, so pray to be stronger. For time passes quickly in this lived existence.
I understand, I hear you, I can see you.
But now is the time to develop your resilience, enrich your life experience, it is important you remember to act in your radiance.
Perhaps in this way, we can avoid the day, the devil came to lead you astray.
Remember that all of this will fade away, it is but a beautiful trauma. A stitch in your tapestry, to add to the grief and loss and pain, which you feel now, blanketing your brain.
You do not need to follow the path of self-destruction. It will only support and emphasise your dysfunction.
You believe that escaping your feelings feels good. For in all corners you stand misunderstood.
I know you’d rather be floating on a boat in the open-sea, than have them see your shaking vulnerability.
But take it from me, the voice of your older self, you can avoid the following years of trying to please, of tummy aches and of dis-ease.
Of failed relationships, drugs and addiction, of ending up so unwell in the mind-body and soul that you had to stop everything and change your life to make yourself whole.
Well, I’m warning you now my love, you will not find what you need in a boy’s hands nor buried in a handsome man’s pants.
Sure, sex can be amazing but real love comes through affection which over time solidifies a genuine connection. Any man can lay with you but few can truly love you.
For you are special young lady, like a beautiful melody born from the crazy.
Understand that they cannot see you. They cannot amplify your glow. They have no ability to water you and help you grow, into the amazing, beautiful, soulful creature you are.
I want you to see that what you are searching for is just to be able to be. Without your anger, your violence, your lacking, without feeling like your roots are constantly cracking.
Dedicate your time to developing deep relationships. Don’t give yourself away for anything less than the best. For you are divine my dear, you are truly blessed.
Look up at the beautiful night sky, the stars bathing in the light of the moon, behold how the tree grows out from the earth, how it flowers and stands strong in all seasons.
Oh sweetheart, for if you can walk with your demons, that would make a mighty good start.
A tree with strong roots will provide delicious fruits to all the people who come her way. So be smart, be diligent, be focussed, be in training ready for that day.
Everything, absolutely everything is impermanent. So, it’s only logical that life will be turbulent. Remember that you always have a choice.
You always have the power to choose the words that paint your voice. Do not under-estimate the power of your words, or your thoughts for that matter.
You can manifest whatever life you want for yourself. This super power comes from deeply loving oneself. You are here to be YOU.
Put your hand on your heart, close your eyes and promise to trust in God. God loves each and every part of you. Even the things you wish you did not do.
Allow his presence to enter the door of your days and your life will change in unthinkable ways.
You are loved beyond your wildest imagination, you know you do not need their validation. Please start talking with your angels.
You are powerful, brilliant, wonderful. Just trust in it all. When you see what you’re seeing, smile inside your being, know that it was, is and it always will be alright.
So, hold tight, for God has a great plan for your life. Do your best, pray and practise sports, read inspiring books, get to know yourself and don’t worry. For life will take care of itself.
All my love and an enormous hug,
Your 30-year-old self
P.S . Try yoga and Meditation for that has become our daily medication
Gracias Anna,
Este mensaje ha ido directo a mi corazón,a lo más profundo de mi ser.
Realmente me inspira y anima a seguir adelante.
Muchas gracias
Qué Dios te bendiga