for is it any wonder after all
after the sex the drugs the lies
the endless battles with similar guys
that beneath it all it’s likely to fall
like a million pictures pinned on the wall
the soul is bound with past endeavours
her wings heavy with putrid feathers
is it any wonder after all
that the light will come on the final day
and tell you to repent so you won’t stay
in the lifeless realm of those not living
elevate your soul he’ll say, just by forgiving
then you smile deep down in your being
as you feel the bondage of life freeing
as the physical body floats away
giving birth to a light brighter than any day
suddenly the body is an irrelevant memory
tying you to time within some given century
your soaring now to further shores
in Gods hands floating to heavenly doors
everything is much the same within your soul
for she finally is free and whole
the bondage of life is drifting behind
the bliss of freedom is melting your mind
