It's the age of reason
Digital infidelity and treason
It’s The grand spiritual awakening
Of an era who deserves everything
Children wearing the glove
Of romantic ideals that are never enough
Creatures with a Mortgage
Working to get rich
Whose to blame?
For the endless shame
Of mass unemployment
Of wars and deployment
Of a fear so great
It turns man to hate
Here in Hridaya a secrets being told
Of how to live your life in a castle of gold
Here in Hridaya they hold the key
Of how to set your heart wild and free
An industrial education
That forgot to teach liberation
A world of never enough
Children of tough love
Who learnt sex rough
Through Pornography that never told
how to touch; how to hold
How to orgasm together in bliss
How to caress how to kiss
Here in Hridaya a secrets being told
Of how to live your life in a castle of gold
Here in Hridaya they hold the key
Of how to set your heart wild and free
A nation of depression
Emotional instability
Teenage pregnancy
Spiritual depravity
Look There's Hunger on these streets
Just children yearning for teets
Stuck in a trend
In a system that doesn't mend
Or bend
or lend
an ear
That asks how did you get here?
For how can a sterile environment
Encourage individual enlightenment?
Here in Hridaya a secrets being told
Of how to live your life in a castle of gold
Here in Hridaya they hold the key
Of how to set your heart wild and free
There's a poverty of love
An absence of plenty,
The hand that feeds
Now has his own needs
Which apparently leads
To a nation of individuals
Caught in rituals
Of tying girls feet
Of Anorexics that won't eat
Of Men with multiple wives
Of Bodies under knives
Here in Hridaya a secrets being told
Of how to live your life in a castle of gold
Here in Hridaya they hold the key
Of how to set your heart wild and free
What would Jesus say?
Probably pray
Or maybe He'd say
"did you hear what I said
When they decided me dead?
Forgive them father,
for they know not what they do" (x3)
For even then, he knew
The unconditional love found in me
and found in you
This Compassion
This plenty
This essence of humanity
Here in Hridaya a secrets being told
Of how to live your life in a castle of gold
Here in Hridaya they hold the key
Of how to set your heart wild and free
You are loved beyond your wildest imagination (x3)
Let's feed on compassion
Shape a new nation
a world congregation
Who care for each other
Who love one another
Whose minds are tamed
And whose hearts are flamed
Because it's enough to be alive
Here in Hridaya a secrets being told
Of how to live your life in a castle of gold
Here in Hridaya they hold the key
Of how to set your heart wild and free
It’s enough to be alive